Practice Areas
Estate Planning / Probate
Everyone needs basic estate planning documents. People with substantial assets and heirs to consider can benefit significantly from careful analysis of what tools are best suited to their situations.

From small to complex estate planning, to various matters of probate, Kevin Gosewisch has represented many clients to include matters of:
Decedent’s Estates
Minor’s Estates
Adult Guardianships
Contested Estates, Wills and Trusts
Estate administration
Living Trust Plans
Powers of Attorney
Our firm has extensive experience in Estate Planning issues including the Creation of Revocable and Non-Revocable Trusts. We are experienced in the creation of a Multitude of Trust depending on the needs and requirements of the client from Complex Estate planning to Simple Wills. We have vast experience in the Creation of Guardianships for the protection of minors, disabled or incompetent parties. Additionally, we have extensive in state and out of state experience in the administration and litigation of simple and complex probate matters.